President's Message
Summer 2024
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I hope this message finds you enjoying your summer with your family, friends and neighbors. It is such a magical time on the Point; beautiful weather, warm water and smiling faces all-around!
The Community Foundation of Balboa Peninsula Point (CFBPP) is a philanthropic organization founded in 2006 to improve the quality of life of our neighborhood. Our revenue is derived from donations and those funds have been put to use in multiple ways. Some examples of investments over the years have been; installation of the Tot Lot at the corner of Miramar and Balboa Blvd, funding of the landscape for the new island at I and Balboa Blvd., commissioning both murals in and around the Village (Chronic Taco building and Pump Station at A Street), and for the last 12 years, funding the security patrol. Security and Safety have been the most often re-quested use of funding, so a number of years ago we focused our fundraising goals on achieving $100,000 a year in donations so we could support a year round patrol (originally was a summer only program). Thanks to the generosity of many of our neighbors, we achieved that milestone in 2024 and have committed to a year round program this year! But one year does not make a trend, so our goal now is to sustain this level of fundraising to allow us to have a reliable and consistent Security Patrol. The key to our success is to broaden our donor participation. We have approximately 800 households on the Point. We currently see about 35% of our house-holds donating, so clearly room to move in establishing recurring annual funding to not only continue the year round evening/night patrol, but also to expand, as appropriate, the coverage in hours.
This newsletter will also provide information about our investment in a License Plate Reader, which is in-stalled on the Balboa Realty building on the corner of A street and Balboa Blvd. As you will see in the subsequent article, we worked with the City and Police Department on the initiative and the system is being used by Law Enforcement to assist in event investigation. Finally, our Treasurer, Russ Doll, has provided a financial report to show how our funds are spent and, most importantly, how you can donate!
We appreciate the support from those who have donated. For those that have not, we would kindly ask you to consider making a donation this year. The efforts the Foundation focuses on benefits all neighbors so it only seems fair to ask everyone to make a contribution towards these neighborhood investments.
Warm regards,
Bill Mathies
Board of Directors:
Russ Doll, Ken Drellishak, Brigid O’Connor, Tara Shapiro and Bob Yant