
PATROL REPORT – January 15, 2025

January 15, 2025 – (Balboa Peninsula Point Patrol Assignment)


I pulled in at A,B,C,D,E,F,G street and up to E bay alley and across to the fishing pier and the clubhouse. Then across to channel and jetty park. Then I patrolled across ocean front alley to G and F street Access points. I then patrolled across ocean Blvd to channel and back across ocean front alley to G street and back across Miramar drive to channel and up to Seville and Granada avanues and all alleys on the east side of the neighborhood. All normal for now…..


I then patrolled across from channel to G street and F street Access points and back across Miramar drive to channel and up to Seville and Granada avanues and over to the fishing pier. Then down to jetty park and across ocean Blvd to G street and back across ocean alley north to channel again. Then across Balboa Blvd to I street and all interior areas of the neighborhood. All is well for now….


I then patrolled across to G street access and F street Access points. All quiet. Then up to E bay alley and across to the clubhouse and across to Miramar drive and back across to channel. I then patrolled the entire east side of the neighborhood and down to jetty park and across ocean front alley to G street again. Then I patrolled across ocean Blvd to channel and up to Seville and Granada avanues and over to the fishing pier for closure. All clear for now….


I pulled in at A,B,C,D,E,F,G street and up to E bay alley and across to the clubhouse and back to Miramar drive. Then across to the fishing pier. All clear. I then patrolled the entire perimeter and interior of the neighborhood and across ocean front alley to channel. Then across ocean Blvd to G street access and F street Access points. All clear. Then across ocean Blvd to channel and jetty park for closure. *** A few people on the benches all cooperative about leaving. All is well for now…..


I then patrolled across ocean front alley to G and F street Access points. All clear. Then across ocean Blvd to channel and back across ocean alley north to G street. I then patrolled across Miramar drive and Miramar alley to I street and I alley to L street and L Park. Then back up to Balboa Blvd and across E bay alley to the fishing pier and the clubhouse. Then down to jetty park. All quiet for now…..


I then patrolled across ocean front alley*** A couple in there car at I street access point. All cooperative about leaving. Then across to G street access and F street Access points All clear. Then back across ocean Blvd to channel and jetty park.*** A couple in the park. They left without incident. Then I patrolled across ocean alley north to G street and up to E bay alley and across to the fishing pier and the clubhouse. All is quiet for now….


I then patrolled the entire perimeter and interior of the neighborhood. Ocean Blvd to channel and up to Seville and Granada avanues and over to the fishing pier and across Balboa Blvd to G street. All is well for now…..

1:30….. break……2:00…… back….


I pulled in at A,B,C,D,E,F,G street and then I patrolled across Balboa Blvd to the fishing pier and the clubhouse. Then across to channel and down to jetty park. All clear. I then patrolled across ocean front alley. *** I had a teenage girl trying to get on the beach at I street. She left upon request. Then across to G street access and F street Access points. All clear. I then patrolled across ocean Blvd to channel and back across ocean alley north to G street. Then up to Miramar drive to Miramar alley to I street and I alley to L street and L Park. Then all alleys on the east side of the neighborhood. Then a complete perimeter and interior patrol of the neighborhood. All is well code 4 patrolled….


Sean Toomay off duty…