
PATROL REPORT – December 31, 2023

December 31, 2023 – (Balboa Peninsula Point Patrol Assignment)

7:00pm  On duty KMA patrol entering Balboa  Peninsula driving towards Jetty park  which is peaceful with several visitors present..  No issues of concern visible, some individuals departing Beach area. Returning to vehicle traveling on E. Ocean Front Blvd   No garage doors open during first pass. Patrol vehicle stopped for perimeter check of Beach access point by L street. No visible signs of transients or individuals with open alcoholic beverages observed.  Continuing down E Ocean Front Blvd checking I street then G street beach front areas While traveling down alleys no open garage doors or excessive trash observed. Patrol parked outside rest of club house rear area no individuals observed on grounds. Continue patrol of streets stopping to check Construction site homes assessed for signs of intruders no issues of concern. Continue patrol throughout streets and alley ways areas secure

8:00pm. No changes in status. Surprise individuals still seeking Beach access parking. No nefarious characters encountered. Several residents on golf carts encountered. Site secure

9:30pm Revisited club house no signs of intruders Afterwards visiting pier courtesy notice of impending closure provided to visitors on the pier and those entering beach. Club house not occupied currently. Garage doors open were addressed by providing friendly reminder to tenant without any issues of concern encountered. No signs of loitering vagrants or excessive noise coming from any residents. No signs of vandalism or nefarious characters observed

10:30pm Club house check site secure followed by friendly reminder to group fishing on pier reference to posted signs indicating closing hours. Afterwards began clearing Jetty park . Patrol vehicle parked at beach entrance with security spotlight used to draw attention to security presence before walking Beach area informing visitors of Beach closure.  Lifeguard stations check visitors removed without incident informed of closure Walked towards M street lifeguard station with all visitors complying with directives. Afterwards moved patrol vehicle towards G. Street as deterrent while clearing the distal end of the beach stopping at each. Access point.

11:30pm Encountering lots of visitors walking towards Jetty Park seeking Beach access. Reference to posted signs with hours of closure used several times.  Posted at this location to deter after hour visitors.

12:30am Remaining near Jetty Park entrance as high volume of beach goers seeking access turned away. Notice garage door open at end house of E. Ocean Front Blvd resident informed on the top deck with acknowledgement of security message before retrieving inside. Continue to deter beach access from this location until volume of visitors diminished. Site remains secure no access to beach allowed.

1:00 am Patrol of surrounding community did not reveal individuals sleeping in cars or open garage doors, excessive noise or activity coming from residents homes. Most encounters occur along Beach access points by M, I and G Street with Jetty park requiring clearing several times Security remaining vigilant to after hours visitors. Site remains free of vandalism excessive noise or disturbance by individuals seeking to continue social activities within the property grounds.

2:00am Patrol continues to focus on beach access points with Jetty Park as site for majority of individuals targeting Beach access from this location. Patrol vehicle lights and spotlight used as deterrent with no combative or aggressive individuals encountered. Site remains secure.

3:00am. Final perimeter check of Beach access points were clear with no individuals encountered nor any vehicle with sleeping individuals discerned within the community. No garage doors discovered open or any signs of transients loitering within the community. Jetty Park entrance encountered three females requiring warning police would be contacted if group did not depart. Otherwise no other people except few fisherman observed.  Site remains